
Request your High School Transcript and Letters of Recommendation

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Request your Official High School Transcript in Naviance

Always email your Counselor to let them know where you are applying in addition to submitting the request in Naviance.

Request Letters of Recommendation from your Erwin Teachers in Naviance

Always get in touch with your teacher at least 2 weeks before you need the recommendation. Put the request in Naviance and also get in touch with them in person or via email to talk to them about it.

Community members, job supervisors, and other adults who know you well can also write letters of recommendation. Get in touch with your Counselor to find out how to submit those letters.

Access Naviance via Clever

Short "How-to" videos:

Senior Exit Survey in Naviance: all students must complete before graduation

The senior exit survey is listed under "Tasks" in Naviance. Use this info sheet if you need help finding it:

How to find the Senior Survey in Naviance.pdf