
Srta. Borger

Here I am in Park Güell, which is in Barcelona. As you can see, we got caught in a storm!

I have two younger sisters. Alexa is on the right, and Jenna is on the left.


Welcome to the Titan team! My name is Srta. Borger and I'm excited to be your Spanish teacher this school year! This is my first year at Northside and my third year teaching. The past two years, I split my days teaching at Columbus East High School and Central Middle School.

I've always had an interest in other languages and cultures. I find other people's views and way of life fascinating. I also think it's cool to be able to communicate with people in their own native language. I'm a big believer in following your life goals and making them happen. I don't like saying that I'll do something someday, but then never follow through with it. That is why I recently decided to start learning a third language! I'm currently trying to teach myself German - key word: TRYING.

Another life goal of mine is to travel as much as I can. So far, I've been to Mexico and Spain. My next big trip I have planned is to Costa Rica in June of 2021 with Columbus East. One trip I have on my bucket list is Peru. There are many things I'd like to see in Peru, but the number one thing I want to see is Machu Picchu, which is an Incan citadel located in the Andes mountains.

Some of my other interests include sports, hiking, campfires, card and board games, and listening to country music. I'm excited to meet you all and learn more about you! If you ever have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask!

Contact Information


I'm a Cincinnati Reds fan, but this is my parents and me at a spring training game last year. Tampa Bay Rays vs Pittsburgh Pirates

I like to go fishing!

When the pandemic hit, I learned how to crochet a blanket!