
WiFi Sign In Glitch - Winter 2020

What happened?

A recent update to the Chromebook operating system (O.S.) caused a glitch to take place when a student is creating a new profile. Existing user accounts are not impacted.

Who's affected?

Devices at various schools. City Schools pushes new O.S. updates randomly to all schools across the district over a course of 5 days. About 7,500 devices of the over 18,000 received the new update before the issue was reported and ITD paused it.

What is City Schools doing to correct this issue?

ITD has been working with Google to try and resolve the issue. ITD continues to work on this.

What can we do?

Watch the video or view the slides below for guidance on troubleshooting the WiFi glitch. Best practice is to always have students use the same device, whenever possible, to limit the impact of this issue.

Step by step directions

Creating a Chromebook Profile - WiFi Glitch

Thanks to our friends at Maree G. Farring for building this template!

Walkthrough video


Thanks to our friends at John Ruhrah for filming this video!