K12Buy Devices

Available Chromebooks on K12buy

Updated SY 18-19

Lenovo Chromebook 100E

  • Lowest Cost

Lenovo Chromebook 300E

  • Touch screen

Lenovo Chromebook 500E

  • Touch screen
  • World-facing camera
  • Stylus

With a roughly $1,500 price difference per cart, the Office of Media & Instructional Tech's favorite device is the 300E, which is touchscreen, and can be used in multiple positions.

All Chromebooks come with 4gb Ram and 32gb storage space.

The 100E is a great low-cost option where touch is not necessary. While not listed in K12, quotes for the 100E can be requested through a HEAT ticket.

The 500E's inclusion of a stylus and a world-facing camera provides added functionality for students who may require the use of writing tools, and for capturing of student work/portfolios. With ever-increasing integration of Android applications, the world-facing cam will be an added bonus for users engaging in multimedia and AR/VR work.

Whichever model you choose, be aware that there may be a slight learning curve for both staff and students when adopting a new operating system.

-The Office of Media & Instructional Technology