Donated/Off-Contract Chromebooks

Did your Donorschoose come through? Did the PTO hook you up? Or did you just find some cheaper Chromebooks?

Either way, if you want to use them on the City Schools network, you must include a Google Management License in order to join our domain, receive all of our settings and apps, and be managed and supported by ITD.

A Google license typically costs around $34 per device. You can request from your vendor to include these licenses, and apply them to our domain. You can also get a quote for licenses from Daly Computers through K12buy.

Additional Costs:
$23 GoGuardian License
$9 Enrollment
$5 Installation

*You can request a quote for setup and configuration from Daly Computers through K12buy. This fee is waived for donated devices that meet the City Schools minimum computer standards.

*Once devices are imaged with Baltimore City Schools' image, they are considered property of BCPSS.


Remember, when you buy off-contract, or receive donated equipment, you are limited on services and add-ons that come with contract devices.

Chromebooks purchased through Daly include GoGuardian software, which provides teachers with online classroom management software to control the devices, Google management licenses, extended warranty, theft-recovery software, initial setup and installation, and hardware support.

Cityschools standards 2018