Outdoor Meals

Take it Outside... to Eat!

Eating outdoors is a simple way to get the benefits of spending time in nature during the school day. Please see this guide for info on bringing lunch outside. 

The risk of Covid-19 transmission is greatly reduced in outdoor spaces. City Schools encourages students to eat outdoors whenever possible. You don't need outdoor table seating to enjoy the benefits of eating outside. Instead, students can use portable seating such as yoga mats or sit-upons, or, on dry days, student can sit directly on the ground (see photos below). 

Sample Outdoor Lunch Period Procedure:

Be sure to coordinate with your custodial team to arrange waste disposal receptacles in the outdoor eating area. 

We love these photos of students enjoying eating outside!

Medfield Heights Elementary

Holabird Academy

Cecil Elementary

More Ideas on Outdoor Meals

Check out this resource from Green Schoolyards America for tips on making outdoor meals a success. The photos below from the Green Schoolyards website show options for eating areas when schools do not have outdoor table seating. 

Weather Considerations

As with any form of Outdoor Learning, eating outside is a weather-dependent activity. Taking advantage of nice weather days to allow students additional outdoor time during their lunch period not only reduces the risk of Covid-19 transmission, but also provides valuable mental health benefits for both students and staff.  Please reach out to talk about how to implement outdoor lunch at your school!