Getting Started

Quick Reference Guides 

Reference our quick guides for why and how to incorporate the outdoors.

Get Started Guide

Learn why outdoor learning is important and view simple tips for getting started

SEL Outdoors

Support your school's SEL and Wholeness goals with simple outdoor activities. 

Outdoor Lunch

Outdoor activities don't need to be limited to academics. Eat lunch outdoors! Review logistical considerations here. 

City School Teachers Share Their Tips

Check out the videos below for tips from Baltimore City Public School teachers. 

Ashley Demski

shares how to get comfortable going outside with young students, even if you're not a science person

Melissa Thompson

shares three tips for conducting science labs outdoors

Rebecca Iacia

shares her tips on how to prepare for bringing students outdoors

Ryan Ariosa 

discusses his experience of teaching ESOL students in the outdoor classroom.

Professional Development

Find out about upcoming professional development sessions offered by the Farm to School and Sustainability Team on outdoor learning or school gardening by visiting the district's professional development homepage. 

Slide decks and resources from recent PD sessions are available here: