Recess, Play and Fitness

Outdoor  Recess, Play and Fitness

Recess outdoors is more important than ever. Free time outside gives students a chance for a mask break (if they are able to maintain social distance!), fresh air, and unstructured run-around or quiet time.   According to SHAPE America: 

Recess helps students achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day, which can improve strength and endurance, enhance academic achievement, and increase self-esteem. Recess also helps students practice social skills such as cooperation, following rules, problem-solving, negotiation, sharing, and communication. Opportunities for free play, to engage in physical activity, and to practice social skills are especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

See the Virus Prevention tips for additional information (see the final page)

Game ideas!

Contactless Play and Fitness Guide. Find games, activities, and more that use no or minimal equipment and allow students to maintain physical distancing.  Assembled by City Schools and Alliance for a Healthier Generation for use by PE instructors or other teachers looking to integrate simple play and exercise into their outdoor lessons.  Check out Asphalt Green. 

Floor Tape Games. These games require setting up floor tape to mark student positions and ensure social distancing. 

Tabata Fitness Exercises. These exercise routines combine vigorous activity with short periods of rest and can be completed individually by students at home, or in a group setting.