Seminars and Service

Boston College Geometry/Topology/Dynamics Seminar

I co-organized the Boston College Geometry/Topology/Dynamics seminar during the 2020-2021 academic year. This was one of our two department-wide research seminars.

2022 Midwest Dynamical Systems Early Career Conference

Along with Richard Birkett and Katelynn Huneycutt, I am co-organizing the 2022 MWDS Early Career Conference. This conference will take place May 26-27, 2022 at the University of Notre Dame. Check it out!

This conference is organized by and for early career mathematicians. In particular, it is designed to be a welcoming space providing younger mathematicians the chance to build community and present their research.

Anti-Racism Work

I recognize that engaging in mathematics is inherently political. Moreover, women, Indigenous peoples, Black people, and people of color have been historically and systemically excluded from mathematical spaces.

I recognize that the burden of educating myself and my white peers has fallen most often on historically excluded peoples. And while this imbalance is itself exploitative, it is also problematic for white mathematicians to take up too much room and center themselves, or to claim credit for anti-racist work.

Therefore, I frame the advertisement of my anti-racist work here as an invitation. There is plenty to do.

I helped organize the Boston College math department's Anti-Racism seminar. This seminar is most commonly used as a space for white mathematicians like myself to educate each other and process current issues.

The AR seminar has seen some progress toward tangible change on campus. We have initiated internal reviews of our department's hiring practices, as well as the process by which speakers are invited to various department functions. We are also working towards a proposal that Boston College make standardized test scores an optional part of its admissions process.

Math Grad Student Association

As Vice President of the Boston College Math Grad Student Association (GSA), I co-oganized a grad student seminar called GIST (see below). I held this position for the 2019-2020 academic year.

I was the President of the Math GSA for the 2020-2021 academic year. My co-officers and I organized virtual events for our colleagues, such as pumpkin carving, GIST, department tea time, and a career panel. We were especially concerned with making sure that our fellow graduate students are supported during the pandemic.

Getting Into Some Theorems

As Vice President of the Boston College Math Grad Student Association (GSA), I co-oganized a grad student seminar called Getting Into Some Theorems, or GIST for short.

Each week, a grad student in the BC math department gives a talk on some cool bit of math. These talks are meant to be for general math audiences, and before COVID featured snacks, drinks, and a big old heap of good cheer.

Left: a picture of me advertising GIST, drawn by my fellow graduate student Mujie Wang.