Week Two

Topic: Teamwork - Many Hands, One Goal


  • Have one player to go move 8 baseballs from a pile behind 2B to a spot near the dugout.
  • Time that person (who will probably have to make 2 trips).
  • Then have the team do it together.
    • Point out that through cooperation they were able to make 1 trip
    • There may have been some teammates who didn’t need to carry a ball, but could have been encouraging.
    • There also might be some arguing over who was going to carry 2 balls, who 1, and who 0.
    • The team will function better if the team can put the goal of the team ahead of the desires of any one person.

Conversation Starters:

  • Q: What does it mean to say "Many hands make light work?
    • A: Difficult tasks are much easier to complete when you have the help of others.
  • Q: Not everyone was needed to grab a ball. What are some things that you could have done to help the team if you didn't carry one of them?
    • A: Cheer your teammates on. Help them come up with a plan to make them faster (tell each player which baseball to grab).
  • Q: What can you do to help the team if you aren't the player at the plate? Or in the field chasing a ball?
    • A: Cheer for your teammates. Help communicate what is happening in the game.

Key Points:

  • Think about a game. Not everyone can hit at one time. Everyone can't field the same ground ball. Everyone just needs to their part.
  • Support your teammates from the bench or get into position to help on the field. Always be a part of the game.
  • On the bench, your body might not be in the game, but your mind should always be in the game.
  • If your teammate has to leave the game, are you ready to take over for them?

“The Ride Home”

  • I loved watching you play.
  • Why do you think our family is like a team?
  • What are some things that we do to help each other succeed?
  • What are some things that we (parents) do to help you?
  • What are some things that you can do to help one of us?