The HyBreeze has always been passionate about keeping up with our readers and the ever-changing world of journalism. So, for your convenience, we have created an online format of our school's news magazine. We will, of course, still publish a quarterly full-color magazine; however, in an effort to reach a broader audience and allow families and community members to access our school's news, we are now proud to offer our online version of the HyBreeze. We are especially thankful for the all of the overwhelming support from the high school administration, students, and community as we have recently made our new home in room 153 an oasis for journalists of all kinds. As always, keep reading and GO BEES!

What's the Buzz?

Serina Murphy '20

What was the best thing you did this summer?

"I got a boat!" - Emily Thompson '22

"Relaxing, spending time with friends." - Aidan Minick '21

"Spending time at Swensons with PSP and duff." -Tommy Doyle '20

"I ran in nationals" - John Jesser '19

Love 4 BBH

Patience Collazo ‘21

BBHHS hosted its second annual Love Fest on August 23rd to remind students of their supportive resources. The BBH community and Superintendent Joelle Magyar decided to host the Love Fest for the first time last year due to recent tragedies in our school community. Pictured is Jaden Kenner ‘19, Olivia Armstrong ‘19, and Zachary Ravagnani ‘20 holding signs for a HUDDLE project that took place at the beginning of the event.

Spirit Week!

Analina Marshall '20

HEYY! IT’S SPIRIT WEEK!! Get ready to show your school spirit and wear fun clothing all week long leading up the the homecoming dance!!

Monday: PJ DAY 9/24

Tuesday: CLEVELAND 9/25

Wednesday: WALT DISNEY 9/26

Thursday: TROPICAL 9/27

Friday: CLASS COLORS 9/28

There’s a New Mrs. Welch in Town

Brianna Valentine '19

Mrs. Brooke Welch is a new English teacher at BBHHS who taught at Jackson High School in Massillon, Ohio last year. Mrs. Welch commented, “The reason I became a teacher was the interaction with students and my passion for literature.” A fun fact about Mrs. Welch is that she plays in both fantasy football and baseball leagues and has a one year old daughter named Quinn.

Costa Rican Chicas

Kristen Dolansky ‘20

Seventeen BBHHS students experienced “Pura Vida” in Costa Rica this past June for eight days with Senoras Bartzis and DiFranco. Students hiked the jungles, endeavored white water rafting, zip-lined amongst the trees, and traveled the Costa Rican countryside. They also visited beaches, a volcano, a chocolate plantation, and a local grade school. Becky Petro ‘20 describes, “This trip changed my life for the better. I am so honored that I had the opportunity to meet new friends, try new food, and explore new places.”