Multiple generations centered around Christ Jesus, practicing God's Word together in Worship, Community, and Mission.
Our Plan
Our plan is to equip every member to grow in the Knowledge of Christ, Faith in Christ, Character conformed to Christ and Actions patterned after Christ (KFCA), and to engage, evangelize, and establish others inside and outside the church.
Vital to this plan are God's Word, prayer, and relationships as well as worship gatherings, groups, and the Gospel.
Our Part
Worship gatherings, groups, and the Gospel are central to who we are as a church family.
Together we worship. Our worship gatherings celebrate the goodness and greatness of God as we read the Word, sing the Word, hear the Word proclaimed, pray the Word, see the Word (in the Lord's Supper and baptism), and respond to the Word with repentance, faith, love, and obedience.
Together we build community. Our groups exist to cultivate Christ-centered relationships as we prayerfully discuss and discover God's Word, practicing application, affirmation, and accountability.
Together we live on mission. The Gospel makes us alive with Christ, calls us together in Christ, and sends us on mission with Christ to pray, give, and go as we engage, evangelize, and invite others.
Your Part
Christ-centered Identity
We are Disciples. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus, is being changed by Jesus, and lives on mission with Jesus (Matt 4:19).
As a disciple, you embody several identities at once—family member, worshiper, servant, and witness—and they influence every area of your life.
Family Member
As family members, we are God’s adopted children called together to love and care for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ (John 13:34-35).
As worshipers, we are created to know, love, and obey God above all else (Matt 22:36-40).
As servants, we steward God’s gifts (of time, talents, and treasures) to build up the body of Christ and to heal hurts and meet the needs of others inside and outside of our church.(Eph 4:12-16; Matt 22:39-40; Rom 12:6-8; 2 Corinthians 8-9; 1 Pet 4:10-11).
As witnesses, we receive the Holy Spirit’s power to share and to show the good news about Jesus to others (Matt 28:18-20).
Christ-centered Practices
At Bayside Baptist Church, we want to help you live out these identities in Christ through core discipleship practices that God uses to shape us into Christlikeness.
Engage the Bible … by reading, listening to, and/or studying Scripture daily.
Speak to God every day through prayer. (Pray for you and yours. Pray for your one and the many, pray for one another and with one another.)
Present yourself daily to God as a living sacrifice … by putting off self-focused habits, patterns, and passions and putting on new Christ-centered habits, patterns, and passions.
Pursue worship with our church family … by participating in a weekly gathering. (Read. Pray. Hear. Sing. See. Respond.)
Discuss and discover God’s Word with a group to practice Christ-centered application, affirmation, and accountability.
Build community with our church family … by practicing God’s Word together. (Love. Listen. Know. Speak. Do. Live.)
Use God’s gifts for God’s purposes ... as we work together to build up the church and to bless our community. (Pray. Give. Serve.)
Turn everyday conversations into gospel conversations. (Pray. Give. Go: Engage. Evangelize. Invite.)
Our Goal
Every member, everyday living as disciples who make disciples.
What We Believe
We are a body of believers in Christ, historically evangelical and baptist in doctrine, and congregational in polity. We partner with other Southern Baptists through the Cooperative Program to educate young pastors, provide relief during times of disaster, and send missionaries all over the world. As a Southern Baptist church, we affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and we believe that we can do more for the sake of the Gospel if we work together.