Partnering with families to help kids know, trust, and follow Jesus. 

Sundays, 9am

Kids birth-2nd grade learn who God is, that he loves us and has a plan for us! Leaders interact with kids walking them through the stories of the Bible and showing how points us to Christ. 

Sundays, 10:30am

Kids 1 - 5th grade discover the Bible is one story of God's plan to redeem His people through Jesus Christ. Kids begin in a large group time then breakout by age into small groups. 

Preschoolers birth - Kindergarten kids encounter Bible-based, Jesus-centered curriculum in a hands-on and fun way. 

Kids discipleship groups meet each Wednesday, September-May as part of our "Discipleship 'N Community" nights. 

Each Wednesday at 6:15pm, leaders will come alongside our kids helping them know and follow Jesus. Childcare for 2yrs and under is available to anyone serving or participating in a class.

Click HERE for more information on adult classes offered. 

First time coming? Here's some information to prepare for your visit!  

Check-In Details:

Watch this short video to learn about our contactless check-in option using Church Center. Volunteers are available to assist. 

 Church Center Check-in

 Check-Out Details:

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