Tips and Tricks

Customizing KnowledgePath for you!

We have explained that KnowledgePath adapts to you and creates your own unique learning map based on a pre-test called Determine Knowledge, which can allow you to skip ahead on material you know and allows you to focus on what you need more help with.

You can also adapt KnowledgePath to your needs, this section of this site will help you make the content in KnowledgePath work best for you by learning how to create highlights, notes and bookmarks.

Creating Notes in KnowledgePath

In this video, we explain how you can create notes in KnowledgePath that you can refer back to at a later time.

How to highlight sections of KnowledgePath

In this video, we explain how to highlight course content and how to locate the highlights you have created to make your KnowledgePath experience more personalized to your needs.

Bookmarking Sections and Displaying All Content

In this video we will show you how to bookmark a section, to return to later and how to display all content in a section.