Frequently asked questions

Why is it showing I have completed some activities, this is my first time in the assignment?

In some of our courses, such as ENG124, there is cross-course matching. This means if you took ENG114 there are some things that will be presented again in ENG124. This ensures students who may have transferred in an ENG course still get the required information, that we presented in ENG114. But, if you took ENG114 it can be confusing because it appears as if you already completed some of your KnowledgePath activities. The recommendation is to review the course material again and the grade you see will be transferred into Canvas but remember you can revise it.

Why is KnowledgePath closing when I am in the middle of it?

The system is designed to time out after approximately 15 minutes, this is because the system analyzes how much time it takes for students to proceed with the activities. Unfortunately, if you are not careful it could time out in the middle of a quiz or during other important activities. Just moving the mouse within the frame will tell the system you are still actively working in the system and it will not time out.

How beneficial is KnowledgePath to my success?

KnowledgePath (KP) offers adaptive learning, As students move through their course material, KP adapts to how students retain the material and presents the material in the way students learn best! Students can move past content they already know. By completing Determine Knowledge, students take a pre-quiz to see if they know any of the content in the chapter. Students can move through the sections faster if they already have prerequisite knowledge. If students struggle with a concept as they work through their knowledge map, KP will offer the student additional content for review. In a survey of students who were previously exposed to KP, 87% stated that the KP system helped them learn their course material better.

What should I expect to accomplish most from KnowledgePath?

Through the use of KnowledgePath (KP), students can expect a unique, customized learning experience. Students will ideally accomplish a higher level of course mastery due to the variety of ways in which the course materials are presented. In subject matter areas where students are more well versed, a student can expect to accomplish content mastery in a shorter period of time allowing the student to advance through their learning activities at a faster pace.

How will my instructor use KnowledgePath?

Instructors can can see your progress in your learning map and the individual maps of everyone in the class. This allows the instructor to see where you and your classmates are doing well and where you might need more help. They may offer suggestions to you individually or to the entire class, if many people are struggling. Your instructor can also see if you are working ahead and may benefit from more of a challenge.