
  1. When reading with your child, point out patterns that occur across words and encourage your child to look for other words with the same pattern.

  2. When your child asks you how to spell a word, don't automatically spell it for him or her. Ask him or her to think about the sounds in the word, the letter patterns of other words that are similar, and the meaning of the word.

  3. If your child is stuck on how to spell a word, start by asking him or her to think about each sound he or she hears in the word and putting at least one letter for each sound. Make sure he or she writes the letters at the exact same time the corresponding sounds are being said.

  4. When your child brings home the weekly spelling list, ask him or her to look for patterns across words and group words together according to the same pattern.

  5. When your child needs to spell a long word, encourage him or her to think of smaller chunks within the word that have meaning.

  6. When you are helping your child learn to spell a word, associate it with a word he or she already knows how to spell.

  7. When spelling a word, encourage your child to learn to say the individual sounds - not the letter names - as he or she writes the corresponding letters.

  8. Encourage your child to keep practicing!

  9. Allow your child to build their spelling words with magnetic letters, alphabet blocks, or Scrabble tile pieces.

  10. Allow your child to spell their spelling words outside with sidewalk chalk or on a table with shaving cream.

  11. Allow your child to spell their spelling words with Play-Doh.

  12. Allow your child to write each letter of their spelling word with a different color crayon, colored pencil, or marker. Or they can write each word in a different color crayon, colored pencil, or marker.

  13. Play spelling word "Memory" games. Write two sets of the weekly spelling words on index cards. Place the cards face down on a table. Have your child flip over two cards at a time. Have your child say and spell the word as they flip over the card. Continue playing until all of the cards have been matched.

  14. If your child has a cellphone and you have an unlimited data plan, allow your child to text you their spelling words. If they spelled the word correctly, send them back an emoji.

  15. Play the "Add A Letter" game. One person starts by writing the spelling word on a piece of paper by only writing one letter. The next person adds the next letter. Can you two guess which word is being spelled? Continue playing until all spelling words have been used.

  16. Find and highlight spelling words in a newspaper or magazine.

  17. Create "Ransom Notes" by cutting out letters from magazines and newspapers and then gluing them on a piece of paper. Continue until all spelling words have been used.

  18. Have a family spelling bee!

  19. Write the spelling words on separate strips of paper. Have your child move the strips into ABC order.

  20. Encourage your child to write letters and thank you cards to family and friends to give them continued practice with spelling.

For more tips and suggestions, visit

Ways to Practice Spelling At Home.pdf
Helping Your Child with Spelling.pdf