College Planning & Test Prep
Students will be given a login and work in Xello with their Freshman Seminar and Career Connections Courses.
Student accounts are set up and ready to go. Student login and passwords are preset. Go to Xello and use the following information to log in.
Login: BCPS-student lunch ID
Password: Date of Birth Ex: 02042004
Michigan Transfer Network
Easily search how your dual enrollment college credits transfer to colleges and universities.
Click here to get started
AP Credit Policy Search
Use this tool to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores.
BigFuture is CollegeBoard's free college planning tool, designed to support students like you from your first thoughts about college to your first day on campus.
BigFuture will help you: Handle the college planning process. Find the college where you'll thrive. Take a look at your interests and career options.
Click here to get started
University HQ
KhanAcademy is great website for free online SAT/ACT Prep as well as online tutoring in a variety of high school subjects.