
GirlsGetMath satellite programs:

Two false colored images of ICERM created by participants of GirlsGetMath@ICERM (2016).

The 2017 GirlsGetMath@ICERM participants, TAs, and organizers.

A 3D printing demonstration. Participants designed and printed their own models using OpenSCAD (2017).

Amalia Culiuc (co-organizer) and TAs give advice on math and computer science classes in college (2017).

A summary of the week's activities created by a group of participants for the Closing Ceremony (2016).

A TA helps two students with Matlab programming (2017).

Participants and TAs talk out a problem (2017).

Major Donors

Phoebe Snow Foundation

Stephen F. Siegel & Jayne Kurkjian-Siegel