Libertys History

Liberty High School

Liberty High School was built in 1918 and opened in 1922. At the ceremony in May 1923, Liberty High School was dedicated to "the progressive spirit of the citizens of Bethlehem." At the opening of the school, Liberty was seen as "one of the greatest achievements of the City of Bethlehem" and designed to not only "further the well-being of youth" but also to stand as a "War Memorial, commemorating the valor of Bethlehem men who went to the front, the sacrifice of the heroic dead and the manifold contributions and productions of the city toward bringing the war to swift and just conclusion." Liberty High School was given its name to cement this War Memorial status. It is located in the geographical center of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in the Lehigh Valley region of the state.

Liberty High School served all of Bethlehem until Freedom High School was built. Following the opening of Freedom High School, Center City, Pembroke, and South Side residents in Bethlehem attended Liberty while Bethlehem Township and Hanover Township residents went to Freedom. Adjustments have since been made to these borders, and Liberty now has students from Hanover, Center City, Pembroke and some of South Side (with some South Side residents attending the Freedom school).

Up until Liberty's recent remodel, the school was composed of three classroom buildings, two buildings with four floors and one science center with two. Over the years, several renovations have been performed on the school, with the most recent being an overhaul of the main building, along with the construction of a new student activity center.

Liberty High School's Main building (Common's Building) is currently home to the Freshman Center. It is a new program established in 2013 meant to help freshmen make the transition the high school a little easier. Students there are now following a different schedule than the 10-12 graders attending Liberty. All freshmen take classes in the 2nd and 3rd floor of the commons building and travel for gym, business and sciences classes. It was developed due to the fact that freshmen typically struggle academically with such a big transition from middle school. This is the first time Liberty High School has done something like this in its history.

Liberty opens

Liberty High School opened in 1922. To quote a document published by the school district at the time, the opening of the new school “represents one of the great achievements of the City of Bethlehem.”(*See on the left)

 The cost of the building program was:

Cost of Land (16 Acres) $105,000;
Cost of Building $1,211,000;
Cost of Equipment $225,000;
Improvement of grounds $93,000
TOTAL: $1,634,000. 

Info from Bethlehem Public Library