For Parents

Ideas for Managing Virtual School Days:

1. Set up a "school space".

Find the right work surface for your child. Make sure there is enough space for pencil, paper, a Chromebook (and an outlet nearby!). Ensure comfort in seating, considering non-traditional seating for wiggly ones! Make sure all materials are nearby for easy access.

2. Create a routine with your child.

Plan your daily routine! Create an easy-to-follow schedule that your child can follow independently. Some children may benefit from visual schedules & planners.

3. Make sure to leave time for movement breaks and snacks!

4. Have educational "tools" on hand.

Manipulatives, a hundreds chart, timers, "fidgets", and lots of PRAISE! Praise effort, not outcome.

5. Have your child check off each assignment once completed.

You may want to start by opening all online assignments, and close the tabs on your browser as each assignment is finished.

6. Give your child ownership of their learning!

The goal is to minimize your role as a supervisor of learning and maximize independent learning. All assignments are provided as a continuation or review of in-person learned material. Start off by helping your child log on, sit with them until they are confident, and let them work. They can do it!

7. Manage interruptions appropriately.

Of course, your child will need support from you during the day. If you are unavailable at the moment your child needs you, ask them to ask a friend or sibling first, write you a sticky note, or keep a "Ask Me Later" journal. You may want to allot for scheduled breaks so that your child knows the times they will receive your undivided attention.

8. You are not in this alone.

Hanover is here for you. If you need additional resources or support for your at-home school days, please let us know via phone, dojo, or email. We will do everything we can to help!

9. Trust yourself!

Remember, YOU are the most qualified expert on your child. Keep your expectations flexible and be willing to shift gears if things don't go as planned. Finally, trust that you are doing a fabulous job during an unexpected time!

Additional Home Learning Resources:

Fighting Homework Distractions

Visual Schedule Template

Creating a "Daily COVID-19 Schedule"

10 Home Learning Tips for Parents

Setting Up Your Home Learning Space

Working from Home & Home Learning

Transitioning from School to Home Learning

Home Learning Tips & Tricks

Creating a New Normal


"Ready, Set, Pivot: How to Prepare Your Kids (and Yourself) for an Unfamiliar School Year"

Webinar by Sharon Saline, Psy.D

"What is Coronavirus?" Social Story for Kids

Fighting the Big Virus Story (See PDF attached below)

Image result for coronavirus social story