Law & Criminology

Prospects Information pages on what you can do with a...

Interested in a career in Policing? Here's what you need to know!

A great place to start your research is by exploring the different roles within the police. This guide helps you discover all the roles which make up our police force - it's not just the bobbies on the street!

Wanting to train as a police officer? This guide is for you! It covers everything from eligibility to the application process.

Still interested? It is worth exploring the Competency and Values Framework for Policing.

Hear from these student's experience of studying a Law degrees at University of Southampton and Solent University.

Why study Criminology at Solent University?

Benefits of work experience quotes:

My work experience showed me the different aspects of Law dealt with in the legal department of a busy company and has made me determined to gain a qualification to enter this sector

Looking for Work Experience? Check out our live subject guide...

Law and Criminology- Alternative Options to Work Placements
Uniformed Services - Alternative Options to work placements

Check out our live guide for alternatives to work experience for the uniformed services!