
What Is BAVEL.mp4

A Few Words From Our Graduates

"BAVEL has given me an exceptional schooling experience. The curriculum was challenging, but enjoyable. My experience has provided a unique learning environment that maintains a balance between flexibility and structure.”

-Judah, Graduate

“…My life is really exciting, wild, frustrating, and I am doing my best to stay caught up. I can't wait to finally graduate, and give all three of my kids a gift they will appreciate in the future.”

-Jeana, Graduate

"BAVEL holds not just memories, but love, dedication, and a beautiful working environment with the most wonderful people you could ever meet. They're not just teachers here; they're your family. They won't let you quit either! Even when it seems impossible.”

-Lea, Graduate

“I wasn’t happy with the pace at which I was learning. I felt that I was not being challenged to learn new information. BAVEL gave me an opportunity to go at a faster pace and be more engaged with the learning material. I’ve enjoyed the flexibility in my schedule.”

-Grace, Graduate

"Over the past two years BAVEL has been such a blessing to me. From the amazing staff and teachers, to the flexibility in my school schedule, and the opportunity to take dual credit and AP courses, it has been the perfect fit!"

-Abigail, Graduate

"BAVEL has created so many opportunities that I would have otherwise missed out on over the years. Not only have I received an amazing education. I’ve also been able to create connections with my peers who have aided me every step of the way.”

-Jacob, Graduate

“I’d like to say thanks for all your help and support during the school year.  If it wasn’t for BAVEL, I wouldn’t be a high school graduate!”

-Ashley, Graduate

“Thomas Moore College doubled my scholarship and Xavier accepted me AND I got a $40,000 scholarship!!! I was so excited I cried! Without your help and BAVEL I couldn't be where I am today. Thanks for being such an amazing person and helping to make my future as bright as possible.”

-Samantha, Graduate

“It’s been really difficult to take care of school, keep a steady living situation, and try to get myself into a career all at once. Without the flexibility of these programs it wouldn't have been possible.”  

– Robbie, Graduate

A Few Words From Our Parents

“Thank you so much for giving my child the confidence to do well on his work…it boosted his self esteem and made him work even harder…everyone needs teachers like the group that Jacob has had with BAVEL. Thank you very much!” 

- Sandy, BAVEL Parent

“We are very pleased with the English course that our child is enrolled in.  She seems to be handling the assignments and enjoying them as well.  When she does have a question about something, she gets immediate response which is very helpful and makes it a lot less frustrating.  This has been a real blessing to our home school curriculum.  Thanks so much.”

- Nancy, BAVEL Parent

"I think most parents… wonder if our kids were prepared for college.  I had no idea just how much we were preparing them for.  When my oldest child came home from college, I said something to her about adjusting to the online classes.  She said, ‘I've been doing this since 8th grade!’  I would say she is one of the most prepared on her campus.”

- Melanie, BAVEL Parent

"With the stress of in person education being closed, it's a little calm in the storm to just be able to log on to [BAVEL courses] and have the routine remain the same." 

- Sarah, BAVEL Parent