Leadership Team


Olivia Dooley


" If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way  they learn.'  This quote from Ignacio Estrada truly embodies the mission of BAVEL -to provide a meaningful and challenging learning environment outside the traditional public school setting, tailored to meet the needs of individual students.  I believe that effective teaching and BAVEL's unique online opportunities  provide students with an education which will help them achieve personal success and reach their desired goals.  Our BAVEL team works with students and their families to build relationships which is the true formula for a child's success.  I am so thankful to be a part of the BAVEL family, where we believe in making new pathways so that each child can develop the talents and skills that they have been given."           


Jeanelle McGuire

Director of Admissions

"Robert John Meehan, teacher and author, stated that ‘Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but capable of succeeding.’ I wholeheartedly believe that students need different ways of learning and BAVEL is the answer for many. BAVEL allows teachers and administrators to get to know their students and what is needed for a student to be successful and that is why I am so thrilled to be a part of this outstanding program and part of your high school experience."

Mendy Morgan

Administrative Assistant

"Often, I am the first point of contact for parents and students here at BAVEL.  Building a relationship is the first step in building a learning environment.  Not everyone's environment looks the same.  Here at BAVEL, we meet the child "where they are" and help them grow into who they want to be. I am blessed to be a small part of such a great endeavor."

School Counselors

Melinda Owens

Director of Counseling | School Counselor (Grades 1-8)

"I’ve heard many times in my educational career, ‘people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.’ With digital learning expanding at such a rapid rate and the many commercials on television advertising the latest and greatest provider of online courses, you have to wonder how much they really care about the students they are serving. Where is the ‘human touch’ with these big companies? I truly believe that BAVEL provides this for students and families, and I’m excited to be a part of providing the ‘human touch’. "

Pam Carter

School Counselor (Grades 9-12)

"I believe that all students can achieve their goals when they have a growth mindset - learning never stops. BAVEL makes education possible for so many students who have unique needs.  I admit that coming from a traditional classroom setting, I was a bit skeptical about the quality of education provided in an online environment; however, I am a strong supporter of this program. It is my top priority to help students see their potential and to develop the grit and perseverance needed to succeed in school and in life regardless of barriers and challenges they face."