School Information

Barberton East Elementary

292 Robinson Avenue

Barberton, Ohio 44203

Barberton Elementary East School Schedule

8:45 am - Doors open for K-2 students.

8:45-9:00 - Breakfast is served in the classroom.

9:00 am - Tardy Bell. After bell, students must be signed in by a parent.

11:25 pm - 12:00pm - First Grade Lunch

2:00pm - 2:20 pm - Recess

3:25 pm - Student dismissal K-2

As stated in the student handbook: Any change in your student’s established dismissal routine such as: going to another relative’s house, not riding the bus, or latchkey plans MUST BE IN WRITING FROM THE PARENT and given to the classroom teacher before the 9:00 a.m. tardy bell. Phone calls are not acceptable unless it is an emergency situation. Thank you in advance for helping keep your child safe.

Main Office: 330-745-5492

Principal - Mr. Matt Saunders

Associate Principal - Mrs. Sheila McGhee