Response to Intervention (RTI)

What is Response To Intervention (RTI)?

We desire for all students to be successful.  When teachers start to see a student fall behind their peers, the RTI process may be initiated.

RTI is the process of helping struggling students become successful. The process focuses on how a specific student responds to a specific intervention. In its simplest form, RTI includes the following steps: 

You do not need to "officially" go through the RTI process to start providing Tier 2 interventions. 

Don't wait, when you see the need - go for it! 

Tier 1

Provides strong core instructional programs for all students. If this instruction is adequately differentiated, 80- 90% of the students will respond. For the 10-20% of nonresponders, a file review and classroom interventions will be provided. 

Tier 2

If students are not responding to Tier I interventions, more intense and targeted interventions are provided in addition to the general curriculum. Progress is monitored closely and data is gathered and graphed at least 2 times a week while the research-based interventions continue. Tier 2 interventions are monitored for 4 to 6 weeks.

 Tier 3

For all students who do not adequately respond to the targeted interventions in Tier 2. More frequent and intensive research-based interventions are provided. Additional testing may be warranted to refine and specifically define the skill deficit to be addressed.