District Assessments

District Assessment Information

Testing is a major component of effective teaching and learning.  BCSD is continuously striving to increase student achievement for the individual student and for the district as a whole.  In order to get a reliable and complete portrait of our students, a multiple assessments are administered.  These test scores and trends are analyzed, interpreted, and shared throughout the year.  Teachers and administrators use the data to drive classroom instruction, determine student intervention, and guide professional development.

District and Classroom Assessments

Given many times throughout the year with immediate results so instruction can be adapted to fit the changing needs of the class and individual student.

State Assessments

Required by the State of Ohio to be used as a benchmark to see how our students’ achievement compares to other students within Ohio and how our district compares to similar districts in Ohio. 

College Readiness Assessments

To obtain college entrance scores and potential college credit while in high school.

All 10th graders will be taking the Pre ACT test in the Fall to predict scores on future college entrance exams and determine areas needing more instruction.  The district MAP assessments given also gives a predictor score for the ACT.  All students take these exams.

Students have the opportunity to take the PSAT in the Fall of their 9th, 10th or 11th grade year.  Students must preregister.  This is a required exam to be consider for a Merit Scholar.

Advance Placement (AP) exams are taken after one takes an AP class, in hopes of obtaining a high enough score to receive college credit for the course.

ACT is a college entrance exam.  It is necessary to receive a qualifying score for College Credit Plus classes at the high school and on a college campus. Check out the high school guidance website for most current date offerings.  Students must preregister.

All 11th graders will be taking the ACT, free of charge on February 25, 2020.  However, if you would like to take the ACT prior to your junior year, you must register.  Please check out high school guidance website for most current date offerings.