Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Please review frequently asked questions before contacting the school or district. If you need immediate answers, please call your school directly during business hours.

Disclaimer: Information on this page is subject to change as we receive further information from governing bodies, if COVID cases increase/decrease within our counties, or as the district refines their fall plans.

Student Learning

What are the scenarios for Fall 2020 Learning in Bagley Public Schools?

How will full-time distance learning in Fall 2020 be different from emergency distance learning during Spring 2020?

Full-time distance learning will be much more structured than last spring. The grade-level curriculum and schedule for distance learning will be similar to a traditional classroom model.

Will Primary and Intermediate students still have specialist classes and recess? Or will they be in the classroom all day?

These details are still be worked out, but students will have recess and specialists classes. This may look different than past years.

If parents choose distance learning for their children and the cases begin declining, can they transfer to the face to face classroom plan later?

We are asking that families commit to their chosen learning format for at least the first quarter of school to minimize the amount of movement between teachers and classrooms. If you want to change formats you can do so at the change of the quarter (unless medically necessary). If something changes with the COVID rates in our community, we will be prepared to quickly make changes as required.

Will distance learning be offered all year?

We will offer distance learning as recommended by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Masks & Social Distancing

Do all students need to wear masks all day (or just in common areas)?

The executive order states: All students, staff, and other people present in school buildings and district offices or riding on school transportation vehicles are required to wear a mask. Masks are meant to protect other people in case the wearer does not know they are infected.

We will be encouraging our teachers to allow students breaks from wearing a mask throughout the day by scheduling times for students to go outside and social distance. We are still working through these details and more information will be shared when available.

The mask mandate says children 2-5 don't have to wear masks. Some kindergarten students are five years old. Will they still be required to wear a mask in school.

All Kindergarten students, regardless of age will be required to wear masks while on site and on the bus.

What if my student cannot wear a mask due to medical reasons?

There are medical exemptions for students to not wear masks per the governor's mandate. We will need medical documentation from the child's physician to accept any exceptions to wearing a mask.

Students with special needs may not need documentation from their doctor if listed on the accommodations section on their IEP/504.

Back to School & the School Day

When can my child take their mask off during the day?

  • Face coverings may be temporarily removed when engaging in indoor physical activity (e.g., during recess, after school activities, or when exercising) where the level of exertion makes wearing a face covering difficult, and during classes or activities held outdoors. People participating in these activities should maintain 6 feet of distance while doing so to the extent feasible.

  • Pre-kindergarten students age 5 years and younger participating in programming in a school building: Pre-kindergarten programs are subject to the Executive Order requirements and related guidance applicable in child care settings; see Masking Requirements for Child Care. Pre-kindergarten children who are at least 2 years old may wear face coverings if they can do so in compliance with CDC guidance on How to Wear Cloth Face Covering (e.g., without frequently touching or removing the covering).

  • Face coverings may be temporarily removed to eat or drink, but care should be taken to maintain as much space as possible between people, recognizing it is not always feasible to maintain 6 feet of distance from others.

  • During indoor practices or performances involving singing, acting, public speaking, or playing musical instruments where a face covering cannot be used while playing the instrument, performers should maintain 6 feet or greater of physical distance from others while participating in the activity to the extent possible, and should replace their face covering as soon as the activity is completed.

  • People who are entering the school building during the day may be required by school staff to briefly remove their face covering for the purposes of checking identification.

  • Staff working alone in their offices, classrooms, vehicles, or other job locations who do not have any person-to-person interaction may choose to not wear a face covering.

  • When communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing or has a disability, medical condition, or mental health condition that makes communication with a face covering difficult, provided that social distancing is maintained to the extent possible may temporarily remove their face covering.

Is school still starting on September 8?

The first day of school is September 8th, but not all students will physically report to their school building on the first day. Please look for further communication from your child's school about how or where to report on the first day of school. Class lists will be released soon.

When can I get a school supply list?

We are currently updating supply lists in light of new guidelines and will have them out shortly.

Where will students eat breakfast and lunch?

These details are still under discussion.

If my student rides the bus, how will this work?

We are still working out the details on the busing. We will be implementing masking, open windows during rides (when appropriate) and loading the bus differently. We will have more information in the coming weeks.

Why can't I have more than one address for bussing pickup or dropoff?

Due to COVID and capacity restrictions, we can only guarantee each family a single address for bus pickup and dropoff at this time. We need to be able to minimize the potential for exposure to COVID by allowing students to only ride a single bus route. This may change as the COVID executive orders are lifted, but for now we are recommending that families try to find alternative methods for getting to school.

Fall Registration

I opted my student into distance learning during registration by mistake. How do I change this?

Please contact your child's school for further assistance.

What is the difference between Homeschooling and Distance Learning?

Distance learning is an educational program led by the school district. Students engaging in distance learning will have access to appropriate educational materials and receive interaction with their licensed teacher(s). Full-time distance learning includes grade-level virtual instruction and requires the following: student work on grade-level content standards, interaction with the teacher(s), and virtual attendance.

When homeschooling, the parent/guardian is responsible for the curriculum and teaching of the student. Curriculum is not provided by the school district.

What if I don't know if I should choose Distance Learning or On Site Learning for my student?

If you need further details before making your decision, please contact your child's school. We would be happy to help answer any questions you might have.