California and U.S. Data

Statewide Artificial Intelligence Survey*

Access this page to view statewide responses regarding community college staff and faculty opinions and experience with artificial intelligence

CCCCO / Cal-PASS Plus Launchboard

Economic Indicators

Access the California Economic Development Data Tool to view data and visualizations on a number of economic indicators by state, region or county.

CTE Employment Outcomes Survey (CTEOS)

View results from the statewide survey administered to Career Technical Education (CTE) students post-community college completion. Review data on employment and earnings, as self-reported by students.

Statewide Kids Data 

Access Kids Data to view data and visualizations on a number of community indicators at the state, county or district levels, including students eligible for free or reduced lunch

Opportunity Map Builder

Use the Opportunity Map Builder tool developed by WestEd to explore guided pathways to related skills and career opportunities

U.S. Population

View 2020 data for the population in California and the U.S., from the U.S. Census Bureau

Family Needs Calculator

The Insight Center provides estimated minimum living wages needed to afford basic living expenses in California, by county and family composition.

*The asterisk indicates that the dashboard was created and maintained by the Center of Excellence. All others were created by different organizations.