Venetian Ball

A Venetian Ball and Banquet will follow Court. In true Carnivale di Venezia style, there will be fun and hubbub, dancing and feasting, entertainments and games, music and masquerade, all for your delight.

Dances will be taught (time TBD) by HL Hanne Abendschein.

Venetian card games will be taught (time TBD) by Ragnheiðr Refsdóttir.

Musicians who wish to participate may contact HE Conna ingen Ui Chearbhaill.

What to Wear to the Ball

All attendees are urged to wear Italian garb, a carnival costume, and/or a mask. (Of course, your costume may be a 9th century Icelandic trader...)

If you wish to borrow garb, you may contact the Gold Key of the Barony of Three Rivers, Sveinn Njallson.

Mask Making!

Those gentles who attended the Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses Anton Rhaghelan and Isabeau de Beauxyeux on January 10th, 2015, may have also learned there how to make a mask for the Venetian Ball at Chieftains. Lady Madeleine Rose de Cardeville presented a class on masks and may have handouts still available for those who want them.