Intro to CBE

Welcome and Overview

Welcome to the Intro to CBE workshop resource site. This intro workshop is designed to be used to onboard new teachers to Building 21 schools and Affiliates. It is also used to facilitate workshops for folks new to competency-based education. This site maybe be used or repurposed to facilitate your own workshops. Most resources are completely open and shared under a create commons license.

While you are waiting...

Building 21 has many open resources aligned to our competencies on our website. Simply create a free acount to access all of our resources. Click this link to register now!

Opening Prompt

Think of something new that you are trying to learn or something that you have been getting better at over time. Take 15 seconds and describe where you are in the process of learning. You might describe a recent success or setback you have had.

All resources and activities can be found on this site. This is a public site that will stay accessible if you need any links after the workshop. To get to this site, navigate to:

Your Facilitators

Sandra Moumoutjis

Executive Director of the Learning Innovation Network

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Thomas Gaffey

Senior Vice President of Technology and Innovation

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Heather Harlen

Coach and Instructional Designer