Monthly Safety Topics

Fiscal Year 2023/2024 (July 2023 - June 2024)

July - Protection from the Sun


September - Disaster Preparedness

October - Preventing Falls

November - Change your Batteries!

December - Driving and Vehicle Safety

January - Influenza FAQ

February - Tips on Driving in the Rain

March - Office Chair Use & Assembly

April - Top Seven Safety Tips for Office Workers

May - Bicycle Safety

Fiscal Year 2022/2023 (July 2022 - June 2023)

July - Share the Fun, not the Germs - Healthy Swimming

August - 7 Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Incredibly Common

September - 13 Ways You Are Slowly Destroying Your Laptop Without Realizing It

October - Fire Prevention Month

November - Back to Basics with Office Safety

December - Safety is Important In and Out of the Workplace (Video). Please remember that safety isn't just at work, it's everywhere. 

January - Health Promtion and Disease Prevention

                 For Men

                 For Women

February - Focus on Healthy Hearts and First Aid - "Is Your Workforce Prepared to Respond to a Workplace    Cardiac or First Aid Emergency?" 

March - A Poison Proof Home

Additional March Topics - Best Apps to Feel Safe When Walking Late at Night

                                       Tips for Riding Transit Alone At Night

                                       Personal Safety Tips

                                       Familiarize with Your Planned Routes

April - Bees and Wasps

May - Carpal Tunnel

June - Heat Stress

Additional June Topics - Dog Bites

Fiscal Year 2021/2022 (July 2021 - June 2022)

July - Water Rest Shade

August - Back to School Safety

September - What's Your Safety Score?

October - Do you REALLY need a Flu Shot? (Video)

November - Thanksgiving Tips

December (Video) - Working from Home Ergonomics

January - Carbon Monoxide Facts

February - American Heart Month & 28 Days Towards a Healthy Heart

March - Posture & How it can effect you

April - Good Enough Mindset

May - Mental Health Awareness Month - Use the hyperlinks on the sheet through out the month for safety topics

June - Spot the Hazard

Fiscal Year 2020/2021 (July 2020 - June 2021)

July - Building a Strong Culture: Tips for "Talking Safety"  

August - Say No to Distracted Driving

September - Working remotely during COVID-19: Your Mental Health & Well-being 

October - What is an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)?

November - COVID & The Holidays

December - Stair Code

January - Healthy Habits to Prevent Flu

February - Watch your Back: The right way to lift objects

March - Safe Commuting

April - Eyestrain 101

May - Working from home

June - Help Keep COVID-19 at bay; 13 healthy habits and behaviors 

Fiscal Year 2019/2020 (July 2019 - June 2020)

July - Slips, Trips, and Falls

August - For Good Office Ergonomics, avoid these 5 things

September - Preventing Cuts and Lacerations

October  - Avoid Parking Lot Hazards

November - Thanksgiving Safety Tips

December - Decorate Safely 

January - 23 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep 

February - Is it Safe for Workers to use CBD in the Workplace?

March - 20 Incredible Facts about eating Fruits & Vegetables

April - Deskercise

May - Five Reasons to Work Safe Today

June - The Best (and Worst) Foods for your Gut

Fiscal Year 2018/2019 (July 2018 - June 2019)

May - Proper Lifting Techniques