14U Guidelines

The Field

Fields must be rectangular and should be of an appropriate size to accommodate the required number of players. 14U fields should approach the maximum size field as outlined in Law 1 and be marked accordingly. The minimum field size for 14U games is 100 x 50 yards. 

The Goals

Official size goals (8 feet high and 8 yards wide) are used in 14U games. 

The Ball

A size 5 ball is used for 14U. 

The Players

Duration of Game and Substitutions: 

14U games are 70 minutes and are played in two 35 minute running halves with each half divided into two periods (quarters) that are approximately 17½ minutes long. Substitutions occur during a short break (approximately 1 minute) between periods, at the start of the second half, and for injuries. No player should play four periods until everyone on the team has played three. The half-time break is 5-10 minutes. 

Player Equipment

The basic compulsory equipment of a player includes: a jersey or shirt, shorts, stockings, footwear and shin guards. Shoes and shin guards are mandatory at all practices and games. The shin guards need to provide a reasonable degree of protection and be covered entirely by the stockings. 

The Start of Play

The referee conducts a coin toss with captains of both teams. The team that wins the coin toss chooses direction of play and the other team kicks off at the center circle. After half time, the teams switch directions and the team that won the first half coin toss kicks-off. Opponents must be ten yards from the center mark while kick-off is in progress. 

Fouls & Misconduct

Opponents must be ten yards from the ball on restart kicks. Coaches should work cooperatively with players to eliminate the need for cautions and send-offs. Referees will issue cautions and send-offs if such action, in the opinion of the referee, is warranted. The referee will complete a misconduct report should a yellow or red card be issued. Players receiving a send-off will not be allowed to participate in their next scheduled match. It is the coach’s responsibility to notify the referee of the next match of this requirement. 


AYSO certified Regional Referees or higher (recommended) are required for 14U games. 

Assistant Referees/Club Linesmen

If available, qualified, neutral assistant referees who have completed Regional Referee Certification (or higher) may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new intermediate referees or seasoned regional referees to gain experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (someone who is affiliated with one of the teams/clubs) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved.

General Play Requirements: 

There are no field position play requirements for goalkeeper. A player may play the position of goalkeeper the entire match. 

Injury Substitutions

If a player is injured during the course of a game and is forced to leave the field, there are two options: 

Playing time credit in injury cases: The player who starts the quarter will get credit for the whole quarter regardless of how much time they play. This means time played by the substitute cannot be applied toward the three quarters they are required to play. 

Substituted Players

Substituted players should sit between the halfway line and the top of the penalty area (the 18) on the side of the assistant referee (usually the right side) of their respective touchlines. Substituted players should wear a scrimmage vest over their jersey while on the touchline to help prevent the assistant referee from mistaking a substitute player in an offside position from a player on the field. 


Spectators should sit approximately 3 yards off the touchline and between the halfway line and the top of the penalty area (the 18) on the side opposite the assistant referee (usually to the left side of the coach) of their respective touchlines.