Google Classroom

Digital classroom space used by teachers to manage and organize assignments, resources, and files with students. The building sub account should have been added to all Google Classrooms as a student.


You have a couple ways to get to the email accounts set up for our substitute teachers.

  1. ClassLink (preferred)

  2. Click on the application link found in the waffle menu on any Google or Google Suite page within Chrome.

  3. Go to:


Find the Classroom icon on the ClassLink Dashboard and click on it. You should be signed in automatically.

Menu Waffle

From any new tab in Chrome, or from another Google application page, click on the waffle menu in the top right corner. Click on Classroom.


Type in the URL:

The Classes Page

On the Classes page, you can view and enter all your classes. Think of it as your Classroom homepage.

You will have a card for each class to which you have been added. To enter a class, click the class name on a card.


The Stream page is the class message board. The teacher might post announcements or classwork notifications.


Teacher posts classwork and resources (materials) on the Classwork page.

  • Classwork includes assignments, questions, and quiz assignments.

  • Materials include other class resources, such as extra readings.

The posts are organized under topics. Teachers might use topics to organize the posts according to date, unit, or type of assignment. If a student would like to view materials or begin classwork, they should click on the post.


On the People page, you can see the teachers and other students in the class. Students will not see themselves listed on this page, only their classmates.

Need More Help?

Visit the Getting Started with Classroom (students) support page.

Or checkout the Classroom Help Center.