Mrs Bava's Writing Group Term 3 & 4

Term 3: Recounts

Lesson 1: What does good writing look like? Discuss in small groups. Add ideas to the classroom brainstorm.

Discussion about a 'Moment in time' in the holidays. What key information do you need to paint a picture in the readers mind?

Lesson 2:

Learning Intention - to write a recount about a moment in time in the holidays.

Success Criteria - to use key information from your brainstorm to write a descriptive recount that paints a picture in the readers mind. Writing must include 1,2,3 planning, paragraphs, punctuation and correct tense.

Lesson 3:

Learning Intention - to write a recount about our visit to Wild Lab Eco Sanctuary.

Success Criteria - to write an informative and descriptive recount that paints a picture in the readers mind about our class trip. Writing must include planning, correct tense, use of punctuation and a variety of sentence starters.

  • Brainstorm with a buddy who went on trip on a different day than you.

  • Record key information in a brainstorm . who, what, when, where, see, hear, feel

  • Title, Date, 1, 2, 3 Planning in Google Doc or Writing book

Lesson 4:

Learning Intention - to write a recount about the Great Awapuni Fun Run!

Success Criteria - to write an informative and descriptive recount that paints a picture in the readers mind about the fun run. Writing must include planning, correct tense, use of punctuation and a variety of sentence starters.

  • Brainstorm with a buddy the order of events and personal highlights from this NEW annual event for Awapuni Kura.

  • Record key information in a brainstorm; who, what, when, where, see, hear, feel

  • Sequence your recount using the 'Burger Plan'

  • Title, Date, 1, 2, 3 Planning in Google Doc or Writing book

Lesson 5:

Learning Intention - Warm up... To review how we use the 'Burger Plan' Working in pairs create a Burger Plan of the Awapuni fun run. Compare it to the one you filled out last time. What are the differences?

Success Criteria - What is the purpose of the burger plan? How does it help us with our writing?

  • To sequence the recount

  • Record key descriptive words with some elaboration .

  • To set the scene with the introduction

  • Complete you're selected writing recount and start the editing process.

Lesson 6:

Learning Intention - To finish, edit, re-craft your writing about either the wild lab or The Awapuni School Fun Run.

Success Criteria -

  • To have edited your writing using red pen.

  • To have re-crafted by removing or replacing 'boring words' with 'power words.

  • To paint a picture in the readers mind.

Lesson 7:

Learning Intention - To publish your finished edited recount and post to your blog.

Success Criteria - Publish to a Google slide

  • Add fancy font, images and a background that are appropriate to your topic.

  • Remember the words are the most important and should be the star on the page (not the images or the background) Your words need to be a good size font and easy to read.

  • Post to your personal blog and comment on your buddy Blog. Buddy List here.

Link your finished published mahi and Blog post comment here.

Lesson 8:

Learning Intention - To describe your favourite time of day.

Exemplar here

Success Criteria - Your writing must include;

Introduce your favourite time of day

Describe what you do at this time

Describe what it looks like

Use a variety of sentences starters

Lesson 9:

Finishing time...

  • I have completed my recount and published it

  • I have posted by recount to my blog with quality stems and commented on my buddies blog

  • I have completed my writing about my favourite time of day

  • I have posted my favorite time of day writing to my blog with quality stems.

Fast finishers - Write an Environmental poem using your brainstorming from our Trip to Waihirere. Show don't tell me with your words the treasure you found. Post it to your Blog with quality stems. Remember to edit your stems by checking you have capital letters, full stops, rich adjectives, and using power words.

Double check!!! Team I have read through lots of blog posts and I am finding lots that need editing... use this time to double check your mahi please!

Lesson 10:

Learning Intention - to write a recount about our trip to Waikanae Stream.

Success Criteria - to write an informative and descriptive recount that paints a picture in the reader's mind about our trip to the Waikanae stream. Writing must include planning, correct tense, use of punctuation and a variety of sentence starters.

  • Brainstorm with a buddy about the trip - think about the differences between this stream and the others we have visited. How did it make you feel when you saw the condition of the stream?

  • Record key information in a brainstorm; who, what, when, where, see, hear, feel

  • Title, Date, 1, 2, 3 Planning in Google Doc or Writing book.