UCAS - University and Colleges Admissions Service

In the Autumn term of the Lower Sixth students start to plan their university application path.

With more than 38,000 courses and 370 universities and colleges to choose from in the UK alone, plus the fact that your degree will land students with a debt of around £40-60,000, they need to do a great deal of research to ensure they end up on the right course at the right university to enjoy their studies and to achieve that first class or 2.1 degree employers want.

Information offered in the Avanti University Guide Part1 booklet is designed to help students make realistic and informed choices as they do this research and to introduce them to the application process at Avanti Sixth Form

The Avanti University Guide, Part 2 will be issued in June and will cover in greater detail the personal statement, the school reference, how their teachers make their A Level predictions, how to apply, interview preparation, how to deal with offers and rejections and the August Clearing process.

Why go to university?


  • you study in great depth a subject which really interests you and which will continue to provide you with the lifelong inspiration as well as the learning skills and transferable skills you will most certainly need in your chosen profession.

Because a first class degree or a 2.1 significantly improves your chances in life:

  • you will have a vast range of career opportunities

  • you will be able to secure a better paid job

  • you will have job satisfaction

  • you are less likely to be unemployed

Because you will acquire all those skills employers value:

  • make new friends, develop your confidence and your “soft skills”

  • meet people from very different walks of life

  • join the Students’ Union, perhaps represent your fellow students

  • become a society committee member and organise events

  • have the chance to extend your interests; e.g. try out new sports

  • learn to stand on your own feet

  • continue work experience, volunteering, perhaps paid employment

  • travel, either as part of your chosen degree course, or during the holidays with friends.