'We are proud of our outstanding academic tradition which fosters a culture of scholarship, creativity and leadership. The real academic strength of Avanti is that discussion in the classroom is not constrained by the examined curriculum.'

Academic Study

Academic study is at the heart of life at Avanti Upper School, perseverance and hard work are promoted in all subjects. But learning here is also well-supported, enjoyable and inspiring. Whilst examination success is important, for gifted pupils we feel it is a by-product of their broader intellectual development. We encourage pupils to develop their own passion for learning, to foster a spirit of enquiry and to become increasingly self-directed in their study. Their tutors assist them in learning how to balance their academic interests with their other commitments. Pupils follow a curriculum to GCSE and then to A Level. With the help and guidance of specialist teachers, they are encouraged to explore beyond the curriculum and push the boundaries of academia. Pupils are able to access and work in the extremely well-resourced and modern Library, opened in 2018.


All courses are two-year linear courses, leading straight to an A Level in Year 13.

The following subjects are available: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Economics, English Literature, Further Mathematics, Geography, Hinduism, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Government and Politics and Spanish.

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

The friendship that pupils and their families develop with their tutor lasts throughout their time at Avanti Upper School and often beyond.

We strongly believe that children who feel safe, happy and respected are best-placed to learn, and to develop into strong and confident adults. Nurturing pastoral care is at the heart of Avanti life and the safeguarding of the pupils who learn at our school is absolutely paramount and underpins everything we do. Pastoral care for each pupil at Avanti is led by a carefully-chosen personal tutor who will act as mentor and sounding-board throughout their time at the school. Tutors come to know the character and talents of their tutees, as well as their families, closely, and are superbly placed to help each pupil navigate the many decisions and challenges that arise in a school career. Tutors are cognisant of the pressures of modern teenage life and well placed to support their pupils. Tutors and pupils are in turn supported by a skilled and experienced pastoral and wellbeing team that includes expert counsellors, nurse, team of Mental Health and Wellbeing, as well as Progress Leads and the school’s safeguarding leads. Pupils enjoy a rich and nuanced PSHE and Citizenship programme and are themselves actively involved in sustaining the school’s warm and caring culture: Mind Matters, PrideSoc and the Student Councils are just a few amongst many other student for a dedicated to pupil wellbeing. Avanti aims to be a beacon for pupil safety and wellbeing practices throughout the state sector.