Test / Evolution

“Testing is an opportunity to learn about your solution and your user.”

WHAT is the Test mode

The Test mode is when you solicit feedback, about the prototypes you have created, from your users and have another opportunity to gain empathy for the people you are designing for. Testing is another opportunity to understand your user, but unlike your initial empathy mode, you have now likely done more framing of the problem and created prototypes to test. Both these things tend to focus the interaction with users, but don’t reduce your “testing” work to asking whether or not people like your solution. Instead, continue to ask “Why?”, and focus on what you can learn about the person and the problem as well as your potential solutions.

Ideally you can test within a real context of the user’s life. For a physical object, ask people to take it with them and use it within their normal routines. For an experience, try to create a scenario in a location that would capture the real situation. If testing a prototype in situ is not possible, frame a more realistic situation by having users take on a role or task when approaching your prototype. A rule of thumb: always prototype as if you know you’re right, but test as if you know you’re wrong—testing is the chance to refine your solutions and make them better.

Evolution from Design Thinking for Educators toolkit ©2012 IDEO LLC. All rights reserved.

Evolution_Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit.pdf

WHY test

  • To refine prototypes and solutions. Testing informs the next iterations of prototypes. Sometimes this means going back to the drawing board.
  • To learn more about your user. Testing is another opportunity to build empathy through observation and engagement—it often yields unexpected insights.
  • To refine your POV. Sometimes testing reveals that not only did you not get the solution right, but also that you failed to frame the problem correctly.

- An Introduction to Design Thinking Process Guide, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design Stanford

Testing Card.pdf