504 Information
For 504 inquiries:
Joshua Amy
504 Coordinator
Contact to request an initial 504 plan, an annual meeting, a copy of a current 504 plan or with any 504 questions.
Kerren Campa
Counseling Assistant
Contact to schedule an annual meeting.
New 504 Requests
Please complete and submit the following documents (as well as any medical, neuro or psychological assessments) to Mr. Amy.
For your Records
Requesting Accommodations for
Complete the following forms and return to your child's counselor. If possible, please request several months in advance of testing to ensure that accommodations are approved.
PSAT, SAT and AP test Permission Form
ACT Accommodations Permission Form
Please include a list of all accommodations that you are requesting. Requested accommodations must be included in the student's 504 Plan or IEP documents.
Typical requests that do not require extra documentation include:
50% extra time
Small group testing
Use of word processor for essays