Support Our Library

How Can You Support the Library?

Did you know that the school library's annual budget is approximately $4 per student? That amount can typically purchase about 150 books for the school year. I am thankful we have a budget, and I want to provide our students with greater selection. That's where this program comes in.

The Friends of the Library Program supports the library through book or monetary donations. There are two ways to participate in the Friends of the Library Program for your family.  See below for more information. 

All students are recognized with their name on the wall outside the library. Book donations from BTSB can have a label with the student's or family's name placed in the front of the book. 

Bound to Stay Bound Donation Site

Click HERE to be taken to our specific BTSB donation site. 

There are two options on the site. You can either donate funds to support ordering from BTSB, or purchase a book from the wish list (preferred).

 Ordering from Bound to Stay Bound, while sometimes a bit more in cost, means the book comes library bound (meaning longer life), already processed, and shelf-ready, all of which save time and money. Please consider purchasing a book from the wish list as a way to support the library in building the collection for our students.

School Cash Online

Make a general donation of $15 on your student's School Cash Online account beginning August 15. The option will remain active until the end of the academic school year.

Funds collected are deposited into the library's activity fund. All Friends of the Library donations are used to purchase books or materials for the library and students.