Is NJHS Right for You?

Each of the questions below is meant to help guide your reflection. Remember, selection for NJHS is not just about grades.


How well do you step up to lead others?

Do you lead with patience and positivity or are you more concerned with getting your way?

Have you run for office when you can even, if you might not win?

When you don’t win at something, do you look at it as a way to grow or do you give up on ever doing it?

Do you stick to your goals? Are you reliable?


Do you set a good example for your classmates and siblings by staying positive in the face of adversity or are you easily frustrated?

Do you attend meetings for your activities regularly?

Do you represent your school with pride and honor?

Do you participate in school activities?


Do you enjoy learning for learning’s sake instead of just for the grade?

Do you share your knowledge with others (tutoring, helping younger siblings, etc.)?

When given an assignment or project do you go above and beyond what is expected because you enjoy the process or do you just do the minimum required for an A?


Do you seek out new and creative ways to help your community without being asked and without regard to recognition? (Organizing and/or recruiting others for service projects about which you are passionate)

Do you see service as an inconvenient chore or something that you want to do?

If it were not required here at ARS, would you still do it?


Are you honest?

Are you an Ally to others who might be targets of bullying? Do you help the target? Ignore the situation? Join in?

Do your actions show that you have integrity?

Do you increase or decrease the drama in your friend group?

How did you do? Is NJHS right for you at this time, or do you need to do some goal setting for next year?

Remember, the Council will base their decisions on your most recent school year.