Potential Members

For potential members:

First, you need to know you cannot apply for NJHS. If you wish to become a member, the only thing you need to do is keep your GPA at or above a 3.89 and make sure that you are leading by positive example in your classes. You don't need to do anything other than that. If your GPA meets the requirement, you will be asked to complete the next step in the selection process sometime in the first three weeks of the sixth six weeks.

You must be invited to membership by the Faculty Council based on your reputation for Service, Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, and Character.

Timeline of Member Selection:

  • First half of the last six weeks: GPAs for all students are tallied. Students whose GPA is at least 3.89 or higher will receive an email inviting them to complete the Student Profile & Activity Information Form.

  • Students will have two weeks from the time they receive that invitation to complete the form. All instructions must be followed and the form must be complete. If not, the student will not move forward in the selection process.

  • After the submission deadline, the forms will be checked for completion and any necessary references checked. All information will then be made available to the Faculty Council.

  • The Faculty Council will review the form and student histories and make recommendations for membership.

  • Selected members will be notified via their student email. (Date TBA)

  • Our formal induction ceremony will take place early in the Fall semester. (Date TBA)

What to do if you would like to be invited for membership:

If you are interested in membership, we encourage you to use this information to set goals for developing behaviors and habits required for membership in NJHS.

Students who are rising 7th, 8th, and 9th graders who meet the GPA requirement of 3.89 on a 4.0 scale (97.4 on 100) will be notified of their eligibility to pursue membership via email sometime in the first half of the last six weeks.

However, membership needs to be a goal that you set and work toward for the entire school year, not just something you think about when it is time to apply.

The most important thing to remember is that membership in NJHS is NOT just about grades. As a matter of fact, grades are the easiest part of the qualifying process.

NJHS is first and foremost a SERVICE organization. That means we exist to make the world better through our service to others. We want members who are passionate about serving their community and who are committed to seeking out unique opportunities for service and leadership.

One thing we hear a lot is, "Well, I'm a just a sixth/seventh/eighth grader. We don't have that many opportunities for unique service opportunities or for real leadership."

While we know that opportunities for formal leadership and outside service are more limited for sixth graders and for middle schoolers in general, we believe where there is a will there is a way. If you are committed to being a positive leader... If you are committed to service... If you are committed to striving to be a better person and to make your world better, then you will actively seek out those opportunities and you will follow through in acting on those opportunities - no matter your age.

Use the Suggested Goals page as a place to begin generating ideas, and don't be afraid of asking questions if you need more guidance.