Visit the ACC Library Services website to learn more about Day of the Dead and do your own research about the holiday.


Whether we partake in celebrations of spiritual or religious nature, or we are merely spectators on celebratory occasions that mark special days throughout the year, the broad-reaching impact of these cultural traditions and rituals can provide a cause or purpose to join others in like-minded, meaningful, and self-fulfilling work that links us in belonging.

English Subtitles (Video by Google Mexico)

Day of the Dead is a long term tradition, full of color and significance for Mexicans.  A tradition that has transcended, breaking borders and gaining the attention of people worldwide.

The Day of The Dead  (Video by Ovation)

Dia de los Muertos aka the day of the dead is officially upon us! Take a look at the beautiful rituals and celebrations for this unique holiday.

(Video by Today Show)

In the U.S. and around the world, the Day of the Dead, a holiday celebrating those who have come and gone before us, has become increasingly popular. It has also inspired a colorful art exhibit in Manhattan.