Frequently Asked Questions 

Important Foster Care Legislation 

The following documents provide information about important legislation linked to services for youth in foster care. The application of legislation depends an different variables and different agencies have jurisdiction on the eligibility determination and application of the services. Schools play a critical role in different components. Please ask to speak with the school site social worker, school counselor, or school psychologist for guidance and further understanding of your rights and eligibility. When determining eligibility it is done on a case by case basis. 

AB12 falls under the jurisdiction of the Orange County Social Services Agency. This is your county social worker and staff. 

Never hold back on asking about your rights and services. We are here to help you. 

Righs of Youth in Foster Care 

Foster Youth Rights UCP17.pdf

Physical & Mental Health Rights

foster-youth-mental health bill-of-rights.pdf

Frequently Asked  Questions & Answers About AB 490 


AB 12 Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program 

Extended Foster Care Factsheet.pdf

AB 167/216 Graduation: Overview of the Law
