Foster Youth Education Program 

Foster Care Ombudsperson: Helping children and youth in foster care get the care, placement, and services they need.  

 LINK: California Foster Care Ombudsperson

Dear Students, Parents, Foster Parents, & Caregivers, 

We want you to know that your school is a place where you are supported and valued. Our dedicated team of teachers, administrators, school social workers, school counselors, school psychologists, and other staff are here to help you achieve your academic goals and meet your individual needs. We understand that being in the foster care system comes with unique challenges, and we are committed to providing the support you need to succeed. Our school teams can connect you with resources and services beyond what is available at your school. Our school team works closely with Orange County Social Services staff, Orange County Department of Education staff, probation, and other community members who are dedicated to supporting the needs of foster youth. We are all here to ensure you have the tools and resources necessary to thrive.

To our foster parents and caregivers, supporting a foster youth is a team effort, and we are committed to providing you with the assistance and resources you need to help your child succeed. Please feel free to reach out to us with questions or concerns.

If you ever feel like you need additional support, don't hesitate to reach out to your district Foster Youth Liaison. See the contact information below. 

Through our vision of "Unlimited You" together, we can create a supportive and nurturing environment where every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential.


To Know Is To Empower

You have the right to: 

Follow this link to learn more: Rights of Youth in Foster Care

Physical & Mental Health Rights 

You have the right to: 

Follow this link to learn more: Rights of Youth in Foster Care

Additional Information

You have the right to: 

Follow this link to learn more: Rights of Youth in Foster Care

School Site Social Worker

Purpose of these meetings: 

School Counselor

"Unlimited You"

Explore Your Options Follow the links for more information: 

Additional Resources

Orangewood Foundation

The Orangewood Foundation programs help foster youth their overall wellbeing and independence. The agency support services such as, food, groceries, life skills, resource center, laundry, etc.

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

To learn more bout CASAs and how they can help youth in foster care  follow this link. 

Ask your county social services social worker about appointing a CASA for you. 


What is Foster Care:

Source: Foster Care Fundamentals: An Overview of California’s Foster Care System (12/2001)

AB 490 and AB 1933 - For mor information about AB490 visit this page: Frequently Asked Questions & About Foster Care Legislation 

Foster youth educational placements to ensure:       


California Education Code 48850, 48853, 48853.5, 51225.2


 AB167 - Foster Youth Graduation Exemption. For more information about AB167 visit this page: AB 167/216 Graduation: Overview of the Law

Education Code 51225.1, 51225.2, 51225.3 (Assembly Bills 167 and 216)   


Additional Laws: 

AB 1909 (Education Code 48918.1) - When recommend for expulsion for a discretionary act:

AB 216 (Education Code 49069.5 and 51225.2)

AB 12 (Welfare and Institutions Code 11403(v)). For mor information about AB12 visit this page: AB 167/216 Graduation: Overview of the Law


McKinney-Vento / Foster Youth District Liaison

Adela Cruz

OCDE Foster Youth Services Program

Orange County Social Services Agency