Families Experiencing or at Risk of Homelessness

The Family Solutions Collaborative is a coalition of the leading family service nonprofits in Orange County and was formed to streamline the process for homeless families to be connected to the services they need.

Informational pamphlet available here.

CYS Open Online Services_English Spanish.pdf

Free individual, group, and family counseling.


Free resources, refuge, and crisis hotline for youth. Available 24 hours/day.

Recursos, refugio, y línea directa durante crisis gratuito para jóvenes. Disponible 24 horas/día.

SOW-Online Student Flyer (Eng and Spanish)- Rebecca Sul.pdf

Free tutoring & mentoring to children from kindergarten through 12th grade living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes, and on the streets in Southern California.

Eviction Protection

If you are having a difficult time paying the rent due to COVID-19, follow these steps to protect yourself from losing your home.