Emergent Bilingual/Multilingual Resources


By 2027, Latinos will represent nearly 30% of all students enrolled in U.S. schools. Unidos US is working to ensure equitable outcomes for Latino students and English language learners.

Entérate por qué es importante que tus hijos logren ser biletrados, aprendiendo a dominar tanto el inglés como el español en la escuela

A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners

Harnessing the power of language to prepare our students to participate in a diverse, global and multilingual world.

CABE Bilingual Resources | Recursos Bilingües | Tài liệu tham khảo

Biliteracy, Multicultural Competency, & Education Equity for All.

Improving educational outcomes for English Learners.

Bilingual resources available for educators and parents.

The latest information and resources regarding English learner education from the California Department of Education English Learner Support Division.

NCELA collects, coordinates, and conveys a broad range of research and resources in support of an inclusive approach to high quality education for English Learners. NCELA serves SEA Coordinators and other stakeholders involved in EL education, including teachers and other practitioners, parents, university faculty, administrators, and federal policymakers.