
Artist's Statement

The beauty of uniqueness and diversity is the pride of the United States of America. I named this piece "Mosaic" because of the negative statement that most people describe the term "melting pot", a mosaic express more of the identities of each of us, living in a multicultural nation. Me being an international student feels easy to fit in. We are not melted in a mono liquid (melting pot) but rather piecing together into an artwork. Each piece is unique like snowflakes represent each of us.

Technical Information

First of all, I test by generating a piece. It works out well with the random function to get the first bright color from a row.

set clr ((random 13) + 1) * 10

(clr is variable for color, I want to ignore the grayscale in the color swatches, for example, I get a 12 from random then I add in 1 so it is 13 then times by 10 with lead to the first color in the row, 130. Then in the "generate" procedure, it randomly chooses the color in the scale from dark to bright.

set color clr + (random 7) + 2

I purposely leave out the dark color and the brightest color by adding 2.) The first half of the code:

globals [ scale x y const angle clr ]

to setup

set scale 63.5

set const scale * 0.004

set angle 90

set clr ((random 13) + 1) * 10


to generate

crt 1

ask turtles [

set shape "square"

set heading angle

setxy x y

repeat 30 [

set color clr + (random 7) + 2

set size scale


set scale scale - 2




to draw

set y 25

repeat 6 [

set x 25

repeat 6 [



ask turtles [die]

set x x + 50


set y y + 50



to clear


ask patches [ set pcolor white ]


I increased the setting to 300x300 with (0, 0) at the bottom left corner. A video to demonstrate how the pieces are printed out on the screen.

Code Viewer

globals [ scale x y const angle clr ]
to setup set scale 63.5 set const scale * 0.004 set angle 90 set clr ((random 13) + 1) * 10end
to generate crt 1 ask turtles [ set shape "square" set heading angle setxy x y repeat 30 [ set color clr + (random 7) + 2 set size scale stamp set scale scale - 2
] ]end
to draw set y 25 repeat 6 [ set x 25 repeat 6 [ setup generate ask turtles [die] set x x + 50 ] set y y + 50 ]end
to clear clear-all ask patches [ set pcolor white ]end

Side notes: It was not my first piece for testing this idea. I did a test on "pen-down" and this is the result I got with a fairly similar code (only it's way longer and more complicated than just using "stamp." Notice how the colors are different because I can really explore the random function to pick colors for the work.