Jewel of Forest

Artist's Statement

Inspired by the foliage and the flora of the rain forest of the state of Washington. One of the centerpieces of the artwork is the fern feature. The ferns are the characteristic of the all-year-round rain. The rain always brings up the scent of the wooded forest. Every piece in the artwork reminds me of every hike through the wood.

Technical Information

The algorithm uses to create the fern is from this procedure below:

Code Viewer

to make-fern repeat 6 [ ask ferns [ set pen-size size fd size / 2 set size size * 0.8 hatch 1 [ tilt-down 45 + (size * 5) set size size * 0.8 ] curve fd size set size size * 0.8 hatch 1 [ roll-right 180 tilt-down 45 + (size * 5) ] fd size curve ] ] ask ferns [ set size random-float 0.3 + 0.7 set color (list random 255 (random 60 + 170) (random 20 + 235)) raytracing:set-reflection random-float 0.5 + 0.1 ;raytracing:add-light xcor ycor zcor blue ]end

Note: The background image is a photo that I captured while I was walking thru a trail in Tacoma