Math's Beauty In Desert

The fascinating mathematic structures, the patterns derived from nature related to the renowned Fibonacci, and the spiral Phyllotaxis. The artwork was created using Netlogo3D with raytracing and x3d extensions. This piece is my Final Project for CSC150.

Jewel of Forest

Inspired by the foliage and the flora of the rain forest of the state of Washington. One of the centerpieces of the artwork is the fern feature. The ferns are the characteristic of the all-year-round rain. The rain always brings up the scent of the wooded forest. Every piece in the artwork reminds me of every hike through the wood.

Pyramid of Space

Pyramids are always the interesting structure that appeared in many world's biggest civilizations from Egypt to the Maya. However, most of the pyramids were constructed through years and costing so many lives and time, I made the digital pyramid with almost no effort.

I used the similar code from my previous project, such as the floating balls, the lighting I changed a bit since the pyramid is in different angle and scale. For making the pyramid,


The beauty of uniqueness and diversity is the pride of the United States of America. I named this piece "Mosaic" because of the negative statement that most people describe the term "melting pot", a mosaic express more of the identities of each of us, living in a multicultural nation. Me being an international student feels easy to fit in. We are not melted in a mono liquid (melting pot) but rather piecing together into an artwork. Each piece is unique like snowflakes represent each of us.

Cherry Blossom Forest

Logan Pearce and I were working on the model of recreating the fractal tree from 2D to 3D, we were planning to do a fish tank, but we decided to decorate and adjust the code to be different. I pick the idea of cherry blossom since the cold winter of the mid-west makes me looking forward to the spring and especially the spring in my home-town where cherry trees are everywhere.


I have a small hand, and the length of my fingers are not optimized to play piano, especially play chords. Creating computer-generated chords is the best way to help me learn. Nah - jk. Chords are the magical thing that can turn any random note flow smoothly. Let see how many different chords that you can generate using this program. Cheers.

Dear Class of 2021

The art was generated from a timelapse video I did at my high school during my senior, my friend would laugh why did I stand outside early in the morning just to get the footage. Well, it is footage of the memory I want to save for the rest of my life. Best wishes, Class of 2020.

I am in the class of 2020. Who would know that the class of 2020 was not the worst? Even though our prom was canceled, our graduation was online, and hardly we had a chance to say goodbye to our friends. We thought our year was the worst of the worst, but that thinking was narrow. We want to say sorry, I want to say sorry. Class of 2021, you guys don't even have a chance to go to school for your entire senior year, the year you suppose to take pride in, the year you can shine for the last time in high school. Your prom is probably canceled. However, hold up these thoughts. Don't step in the footsteps of the Class of 2020, don't blame the year, instead, take the precious time to connect with your teachers, your friends, and you even have so much time for your family. Take back your control, and take back your senior year.

Freedom: A Right That Has To Fight For

Selma the movie, is an emotional journey that tells the story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. With many activists fighting for equality that not only for the people of color but also equality in gender, I chose Rosa Parks and Malcolm X to add to my artwork in the honor of MLK Day. I still vividly remember the summertime when I had a chance to participate in the peaceful protest for Black Lives Matter in Tacoma, WA. The experience and the knowledge on the on-going social injustice have taught me so much about the history of the country that I am in.

Peace or Violence

What can a symbol mean? Can the two fingers hand a gesture of showing peace or showing the letter "V" for Violence? I usually use this to tell people I say hi to them. Because two-fingers here represents number 2 and in Vietnamese, it sounds like "hi".

turtles-own [home-x home-y clr]

to setup


import-pcolors-rgb "peace.png"

ask patches [

let r item 0 pcolor

let g item 1 pcolor

let b item 2 pcolor

let l (0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b)

if pcolor != [0 0 0] [

sprout 1 [ ; each patch create one turtle

set shape "circle"

set color black

set home-x xcor

set home-y ycor

setxy random-xcor min-pycor + 1

set size (l * (1.5 / 255))



set pcolor white




to go

ask turtles [

ifelse distancexy home-x home-y > 1 [

facexy home-x home-y

fd random-float 2 + 0.01

] [

setxy home-x home-y

set heading 0



if ticks > 300 [stop]




Weather phenomenal always interested me. The piece was inspired by the accumulation of water through the earth's atmosphere to the precipitation in which we called "rain". In here rain can be water droplets or snow.

The main action of the artwork is through this code.

to flow-rains

ask rains [

if ycor < 9 [

set color (list 44 (random 200) 255)

set size size - random-float 0.1


set xcor xcor + (mouse-xcor - xcor) / 100

set ycor ycor + (mouse-ycor - ycor) / 10

ifelse ycor > original-y

[ set consty consty - 0.05]

[ set consty consty + 0.05]

set x-velocity x-velocity + (constx * 0.05)

set y-velocity y-velocity + (consty)

let x-step x-velocity * 0.05

let y-step y-velocity * random-float 0.05

if patch-at x-step y-step = nobody [ die ]

let z xcor + x-step

let j ycor + y-step

facexy z j

setxy z j

set age age + 1



Not Your Father's Enchanted Forest

Inspired by the theme from "The Lorax", the oddly vibrant colors with the mix of animated particles and water flow creates this artwork.

The background color is generated by the gradient code.


I was inspired by the weather phenomenal that usually happens above the arctic circle. However, these recent years the climate change and the effect of El Nino and La Nina make the vortex expand down to the south. I set a variable for an angle so I can control the vortex big or small, and it increases 0.5 degrees for every turn.