What's going on in the lab?

Hyperacusis Activities Treatment - Online 

Our study develops and investigates a customized approach to reduce hyperacusis symptoms using remote counseling and gradual exposure to everyday sounds.

The hyperacusis research study is a clinical trial sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and involves:

-a 3-month commitment that is entirely remote

-educational videos and hands-on activities to cope

-an opportunity to meet others with similar experiences = a support group!

-gradual exposure to sounds with coaching

-compensation: $150 and you keep noise-canceling headphones!

IRB #: 1043205468, NIH Clinical Trial #: 1R15DC020539-01A1 

Click HERE to enroll in Hyperacusis Activities Treatment-Online.

Recently completed studies

Tinnitus Activities Treatment - Online (TAT-Online)

The purpose of this study is to develop an online form of Tinnitus Activities Treatment that will provide counseling on tinnitus and related problems, suggest coping strategies, and recommend partial masking using sound therapy.

We are no longer accepting participants at this time. 

Thank you to all of those who participated!

Pediatric Spatial Hearing Questionnaire

The purpose of this study was to develop a pediatric version of the spatial hearing questionnaire (SHQ) that includes assessing speech understanding in background noise and sound localization. Sound localization (or the ability to locate a sound source) is an important auditory function that is difficult for children with hearing loss and often overlooked. 

Our findings are published in the American Journal of Audiology (2024).